Many brides today spend an incredible amount of time and effort, in an attempt to make their wedding different, and as unique as possible. But every wedding has many of the same basic elements and traditions: the white dress, the best man/maid of honor, the wedding cake, etc. But where do these traditions come from? This time, we'll look at the Best Man and groomsmen.
October marks National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This serves as a reminder that there are several ways to incorporate a charitable cause into your wedding day!
A common way to do this is to make a donation on behalf of you and your fiance to the charity of your choice. Many couples choose to do this in lieu of providing their guests with wedding gifts/favors. Instead of gifts, small placecards are put on the table describing your donation. A sample might read, "Kevin & Laura have made a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation instead of the usual wedding favors." Sometimes donations are given in memory or honor of loved ones who may be afflicted or have fell victim to conditions such as cancer. This sample may read, "In memory of Grandpa Joe & Aunt Marie, a donation has been made to the American Cancer Society." If you are having a Reception, you most definitely should consider hiring a professional DJ (even if you plan on having a band: more on that in future articles.) What are some of the benefits to paying a DJ for their experience?
Like most professions, there is more to a job than meets the eye. When people think DJ, they probably just think of someone who stands there, makes a few announcements, and plays music. But there is much more to it, and in fact there is a science to it that you will hardly even notice. Which is the way it's intended! No, magnetic boutonnieres may not be revolutionary, but they have in fact been popping up at more and more weddings recently here in the Detroit-area. There an easier option for an often over-looked part of the day...
The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use oneself."
- Oscar Wilde So you've found the man of your dreams, and he finally popped the big question!! You've been dreaming of your wedding your whole life, so where do you start planning? The old saying is, once he proposes and buys the ring, his main responsibility is just to show up, hopefully on time. But your wedding is a celebration of both of you, your relationship, and your story. It'll be much more enjoyable if you can share in the planning together!
It's true: You've found a rare guy if he is willing to share in your excitement when shopping for a dress, flowers, or what color napkins you will have for your cocktail hour. Some Grooms are led like zombies through the wedding day, and a big reason for this is that they literally have no idea what to expect! Here's 5 good ideas to get your Groom more involved, in no particular order. Wedding Ceremonies, of all faiths, have deep histories and long-standing traditions associated with them. You might not know that the Unity Candle Ceremony is a fairly new tradition, having only been around for the past 30 or 40 years.
From time to time I like to take a glance at local Detroit-Metro businesses leading the way in the wedding industry. The "Spotlight On" series helps brides find the best of the best, and offers some unique ideas to brides on most every budget.
New Year's Eve is traditionally a very popular day for a wedding, and chances are most everybody has been invited to one at some point. But there are people who think there are drawbacks to planning a wedding on a holiday. Here are some pros and cons to the argument.
A bride recently asked me a great question...As you've probably read in this column and elsewhere, those of us "in the wedding industry" often will tell brides that "you get what you pay for" or "beware of the cheapest vendor." But how do you know a good vendor when you see one? Before we answer that, it will be helpful to consider some basic business facts:
AuthorTom Santilli has been in the Detroit wedding industry since 2002, and in that time has established himself as one of the top in his field. His company, Complete Video Solutions , was named as the #1 Best Wedding Videographer in Detroit by local brides and Channel 4 FIVE consecutive years and is currently inducted into's "Vendor Hall of Fame." He also has won several awards for his wedding production, and is a member of WEVA (Wedding & Event Videographers Association.) As the Detroit Wedding Examiner, he has helped hundreds of brides with their weddings, with a local knowledge not found anywhere else. Being in the industry for so long, he is an expert in all areas of wedding planning, not just videography. He welcomes your questions, article suggestions, or feedback, and he can be reached Archives
January 2024